People who are interested in astronomy are always curious to know whether life exists in other worlds other than Earth and whether there is any other civilization.
Many space agencies of the world are spending billions of rupees to know the outer world. There is a lot of research going on in the universe which the general public is not even aware of.
Many scientists believe that life exists in many other planets like Earth, but decided to send a message through radio signals to contact them.
Such a radio signal which is sent from Earth to another solar system or galaxy in the infinite universe is called Interstellar Radio Signal.
So far, all the spacecraft sent from Earth have stored some recording message or some signal. In which the information for the earth and human civilization is kept, if any other civilization meets it, it can be easily contacted to our earth.
The world's largest space agency is sending millions of signals from Earth into space. In which some of the signals return to the earth and some are still moving in the infinite universe.
The beginning of sending signals by Russia in 1962 is called Morse message which . Which was in dot and dash (.,_) language. The aim of which was to introduce human civilization to any other civilization.
Currently this signal is 160 light years away from where it is currently orbiting. Then in 1999, for the first time, a signal called CC (Cosmic Call) was released over a cluster of four stars.
It had sufficient knowledge of our Physics, Biology, Maths in the recorded message. However, since this star cluster is 125 light years away from our Milky Way, it will take another 50 years for the signal to reach there.
Which was only for 72 seconds. Which is considered to be the strongest signal from the signals coming to earth. When the signals were received in the receiver, they were in a strange language which no one has been able to decode till date.
As a result, it was given the name Wow Signal over time. The American Space Agency responded by sending a signal 110 light years away in the direction from which the signal was captured. In Dec-2021, scientists from the Center of Planetary Science - Paris theorized that these signals came from a comet. Which was 60 light years away from the sun.
The frequency of which has been recorded at 1.4 GHz which is the same frequency as the emission of a hydrogen blast. On 28 April 2020, two radio telescopes on Earth recorded strong signals of radio signals. They were there for a few milliseconds, then suddenly disappeared. But the discovery of these radio signals was an important discovery.
These signals are coming from a distance of only 30 thousand light years from our earth. That is, from our own galaxy.
If a very energetic astrophysical event occurs in space due to some unknown cause in which a radio signal is visible for a very short period of time. But it comes back to earth again and again at fixed periods.
Which is called Fast Radio Burst (Fast Radio Burst - FRB). For the first time, a fast radio burst was detected so close to Earth. All FRBs detected prior to this event have been found outside our Milky Way Galaxy.
These strange radio signals were recorded by The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment (CHIME) and The Survey for Transient Astronomical Radio Emission 2.
Physicist Kiyoshi Masui of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) said CHIME's face wasn't even there when the strange radio signal arrived. But STARE 2 saw, recorded, even received. And further stated that it can better study the signal coming from a distance of 30 thousand light years.
Such signals emit so much energy that the Sun could not in 100 years. More signals are emitted above the star O because scientists believe that the star itself is a second sun and may have other life around it.
The radio signals from our Milky Way Galaxy are visible for only a few micro to milliseconds as they undergo multiple explosions.
If all the astronomers and scientists of the world start searching for such signals, it will be known that thousands of such messages are received every minute.
Then something similar happened. These waves were discussed when these signals were found when life outside Earth was being searched for. These signals were caught by Australia's Parkes Telescope in April and May 2019.
According to a report, the frequency of these waves is 980 MHz. Which was very less. Named it BLC1 (Breakthrough Listen Candidate 1). Thousands of light years away according to scientists' estimates.