Sun Temple of Konark

Astronomy Research
Fascinating and Mysterious  :   Sun Temple of Konark

The Sun Temple of Konark is world famous for its beliefs and mythology. But along with it there are many other reasons due to which people come from all corners of the world to see this temple. Located on the banks of the Chandrabhaga River and at a distance of 4 km from the sea, this Konark temple is also called the eighth wonder of India. It was listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1984. Every year write devotees come here for darshan.

Konark temple is world famous for its magnificence and amazing sculpture. The Kalinga style has been shown in this sculpture, so it has been designed according to the Kalinga system. Konark Sun Temple is called Black Pagoda in English. But he is called Biranchi Narayan by the people there. 

Archaeologists believe that this temple was built in the 13th century. It appears to have been dated between 1243 and 1255 AD by King Narasimhadeva I of the Ganga dynasty. The people of Gangavamsa used to worship Lord Suryanarayana. So it is assumed that the temple was built by these people.

The temple is designed in such a way that it looks like Sun God himself is sitting in the chariot and this chariot has 24 wheels, all these wheels are made from a single stone. The diameter of each wheel is three meters. These wheels are made very beautiful with exquisite designs on them. Each wheel is made up of eight arrows, representing the eight watches of each day. 

The wheels of the chariot which have become the identity of the temple. And seven horses are pulling it. Due to the destruction of the temple over time, only one horse remains now. which represents the seven days of the week. The height of the temple is measured at 229 feet. 

There were three statues of Lord Suryanarayana in the interior. Which was built by a single stone. It is said that a mysterious magnetic stone was placed on the top of this temple. Due to which one of these three idols would float in the air. 

The influence of this stone was such that the ships leaving the sea would automatically come towards the shore of the temple. Due to non-functioning of ship's rudder, ships deviated from their course. Due to which the ships leaving from there had to face many losses.

When the Mughals invaded this temple in the late 16th century, it caused a lot of damage to the temple. Many idols were broken including two idols of Lord Suryanarayan. In addition, he took the magnetic stone kept at the temple with him. As a result the main temple has been destroyed. 

Where the idol of Lord Suryanarayan was floating in the air. Because with the passage of time due to natural calamities and due to the steamy air of the saltiness of the sea, the stones of the temple have become alkaline. Over time, the main temple fell into disrepair.

Located in the eastern direction, this temple is designed in such a way that the first ray of the sun falls on the main entrance and then on its sanctum sanctorum. The revolving side of the temple is lined with figures and statues related to Hindu culture which are believed to be alive. Three types of stones have been used in the construction of the temple, 

1) Laterite, 

2) Chlorite, 

3) Khondalite. 

Such stones are not seen in India for centuries. So it is believed that Narasimha Dev ordered these stones from foreign countries.

The temple is divided into three parts. 1) Nritya Temple, 2) Jagmohan Temple, 3) Sanctum Sanctorum. The mahamandap in the temple which is in the Jagmohan temple is very attractive. Its structure is similar to the pyramids of Egypt. In which there are statues of constellations like Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, in addition to this there is a Navagraha temple on the right side.

Till the year 1806, this temple was surrounded by trees, stones, forests from all sides. The Asiatic Society first undertook conservation work in 1838 during the British rule. Hence trees, forests were removed. Covered by forests for centuries, this temple suffered a lot of damage. 

After this heritage was handed over to the Archeology Department of India, it was preserved for the second time in the year 1900. The most interesting thing about this temple is that by the shadow falling on the chakras attached to the temple we can estimate the time correctly and accurately.

When a ship leaves the middle of the ocean, the ship is automatically pushed towards the shore due to the magnetic force of the temple. Looking at the magnificence and construction of the temple, it seems that how could this have been possible due to the lack of equipment in Puranic times. Watching the sun rise and set in the temple gives a different feeling. Like Konark Sun Temple, even today there are many old and historical places in our country, which people from home and abroad continue to be attracted to see.

-- Bhautik Thummar...


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