Biggest Powerful Telescope on Earth

Astronomy Research

 "Biggest Powerful Telescope on Earth"

1). Alma Telescope:


This is the second telescope in the North Chile's Atacama desert is a collection of 66 telescopes. This telescope Sun 2011 was opened. This is the favorite telescope of almost all scientists in the world. Because this becomes the most powerful telescope in the world to study the light of the submilimeter and millimeter wavelengths present in the electromagnetic spectrum between infrared waves and radio wave. And their antenna is approximately ten miles away. This antenna can only be operated with very 100% accuracy and directed with accuracy. So there is a team of experienced scientists. The main purpose of this telescope is to find the universe with a long wavelength. So far this telescope has investigated some of the most cold things in the universe, such as the discovery of cold gas in cold stars and planets.

2). VLT: Very Large Telescope:

A photograph showing most of the telescopes that make up ESO’s VLT. At the centre, to the right of the setting Sun, the Unit Telescope 1 stands ready to observe. It started operating 25 years ago this week.



The telescope, located in the desert of Atacama in the Chill country of South America, was placed in 1998 against the world. The world's most advanced visible-light is known as astronomical telescope. There are four units supporting telescopes with a main lens with 26.9-foot diameter and four large 5.9-foot diameter. Which has been named Antu, Cueen, Melipal and Yapun. Four if the main telescope is off

Auxiliary telescope can also be operated. The telescope captured the northeastern pole of the planet Jupiter in June 2016. Along with this, two satellites of Jupiter were also published. Because the most widely seen things can be seen in this telescope 4 billion times the brilliant. This means that VLT provides a precise and deep knowledge of the universe to astronomers.

3). Gemini Telescope:

Credit : International Gemini Observatory/NOIRLab/NSF/AURA/T. Matsopoulos

The NASA telescope, located in the city of Hilo, America, has a diameter of 26 feet. The first part of which was opened in 1999. The second part was then opened in 2000. 90% of the picture is taken from this telescope if you have seen photos of a piece of real Galaxy on Google. The first part of the Gemini North, the telescope, is located at a height of 13,825 feet from the ground on the idle volcano Mauna Ke. The other part of the Gemini South, the telescope, is located on the mountain of Andes in Chilean. Both telescopes have a series of four optical and infrared images. It has technology such as laser guide, star adaptive optics and multi-object spectroscopy, so that astronomers can easily study the universe in deep and in detail.

All of these types of telescope are located on the peaks of the mountains above the earth's weather systems, so the atmosphere of our planet is not affected. Sometimes they are located in remote regions, because the electromagnetic radiation emitted from the celestial sources is kept away from human habitation due to the danger.

In addition to the powerful and smart telescopes includes the Keck Telescope of America and Vícter M. Blanco Telescope, Spain's The Gran Telescopio Canarias and Australia's Australian Square Kilometre Array Pathfinder, Murchison Widefield Array. Due to this telescope work we have known many events in the universe.

-- Bhautik Thummar.

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